Saturday, May 19, 2012

Johnstown PA, May 8th 1956

Mrs. Gini (redacted)
4919 (redacted) Drive
Washington 16, D.C.

Tues. 2 A. M.

My Darling-

Guess what? Your letters came. Let me fill you in.

After i mailed your letter I had breakfast and then came back here looking for Buddy. I waited around a while and he finally came in around 7 P.M. Apparently he thought I'd gone away when he looked in my room earlier but I was in he shower. Well, anyway, I was sure glad to see him as I was dreading spending a lonely nite here by myself. I'd thought perhaps that he'd hopped the plane for D. C. to go visit Kitty. I suggested that we go to Pittsburg. He said o. k. but why don't we go to


Campanella's Italian Restaurant first and dig some spaghetti. That we did. By the time we got back from there it was 9 P.M. So w agreed that it was too late for Pittsburg. (75 miles). We then decided to visit the Forest Park Club. A place where Buddy played here in Johnstown several years ago. It's  kind of on the outskirts of town so we changed our clothes and got shaved and stuf. Buddy was dress before I was so he told me to meet him downstairs at the Towne House, a restaurant as he had to make a phone call. When I finally came downstairs he was waiting for me in the entrance to the Mell O Dee and he greeted me with "guess what I've got?"


With that he withdrew from his pocket a sheaf of letters among which were two  for me-your two. Everything was ok then. I put them both in my pocket with the idea of prolonging the moment when I finally talked to my girl on the written page.

Then we went to Forest Park. The owner was glad to see us and was rather hurt because we didn't come to him first before booking the Mell O Dee.  Actually Buddy tried  to get the agent to book us there when we first got through at Hagerstown but the stinker for some reason told us that Forest Park was in bad shape and couldn't afford us. The exact


opposite is true. and if we'd only contacted For. Pk. directly we could have been playing there now instead of this hole. They also  supply the bands with  rooms and food too and for what the trio that replaced us at the Vogue Room said, the food was pretty fabulous. They went to the vogue directly  from Forest Pk.

Oh! I forgot. When Buddy went downstairs to the restaurant to make his phone call, the bar tender handed him our mail, apparently when this place is closed, they leave the mail at the restaurant.(No connection with the Mell O Dee) We stayed at For. Pk, till about 12 A.M. (we were the only ones there) Band's night off.


and then we came back to town had some eggs  and then back here and now you are up to date Sweetie pie!

I don't think I mentioned it Honey, but I picked up a hairbrush I Plainfield for 1 buck. It is all nylon bristle with a Lucite ( Methyl Methacrylate) handle. Tonight is the first time that I've been able to wear the clasp and cuff links since I last saw you. I wore my brown suit and they lent the finishing touch.

Before I got your letters  tonight, when I was  waiting for Buddy to return, I got out my Allegheny Airlines timetable and started working the flights


between Johnstown and D. C, there are two flights a day in each diretion. One leaves here 11:14 A. M.  and gets in at National Airport at 1:04 in the afternoon. The other leaves here at 9:29 P.M. and hits D.C. at10:50. Coming back the flights for John.  leave at 8:55 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. respectively with comparable travel times. Golly, how I'd like to hop one and meet my girl at the airport. Just dreaming sweetheart.

Gini, the letter you mailed on the 5th, a Saturday reached me on the 7th. Perhaps if the connections are right  letter can go in one day from D. C. to Jst. although  the one you mailed on Thurs. got here the same time apparently.


Where do you find such poetry dear? They sound like they were made for us. And the stamp bit, I'd heard about that but had never seen or received a letter with them inverted. Such things I'm learning in my old age.

It;s funny Hon, I think I closed my letter to you last evening with almost the identical words that you closed your letter of Thurs. And I hadn't even seen the thing yet. What's workin here sis? Read both of your letters twice as soon as I opened them and I'm sure that I'll be reading the again before I get your next one.


I don't know whether I mentioned it baby, but they are cutting back on the entertainment here next week. The show is going to be presented on Sat. only. They've also let the sheff go as he was getting a rather large  salary and the kitchen wasn't doing enough business to justify itself.

Excuse me Pet, but I'm starting to droop. I'll put a  tag on this later today when I finally shake the sleep out of my eyes. Nite X X ( never mind how many, they're real)

Tues 2:30 P.M.

Greetings Kitten,

Here we are 12 hours later I'm going to go get breakfast  now mail this and look for your next letter. I think I'll take in the movie this afternoon. The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit is playing and Buddy saw it and said it was very good.

I would really like to have a picture of your gardening efforts Babe. I can picture you at work in those surroundings right now. It is a beautiful cloudless day here and I wonder if it is the same there. I'd like to take  a long walk with you through the park or hilly glade where the trees are just now putting on their summer garb. Until later then Gini. I'll say keep your little chin up. I'll be seeing you before too long.


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