Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hagerstown, Md April 17, 1956

Mrs Gini (redacted)
4919 (redacted) Drive
Washington, 16 D.C.

Tues. Apr. 17, 1956
4:15 P.M.

Dear Miss Gini Kitten,
     I went back to bed after you called ans slept till 2. Then Al and I got u[ and took our stuff to the laundry and had breakfast. Breakfast? I had a double orange juice to start me off and then franks and beans with side dishes of kale and cole slaw. Finished off with a cup of tea and a piece of lemmin pye, I guess I was making up for Monday morning.
     On the way back I picked up a magazine and my shirts that were finished and came back up to this empty room- with the


other two in it.

     Still no inkling from Rocco on our possibilities   for work next week. every day that passes actually lessens our chances of having something to go to so I guess I'll have to start writing to some of my friends back home and let them know I'm going to be available after the 23rd(note I said AFTER the 23rd) heh!heh! I might even have to stoop to a day job to tide me over till 25th of May. But then honey, maybe I'm building a case, eh? Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck.
    I think I'll rent a box at the Plainfield post office when I get home. It would facilitate our correspondence system to say the least.
     Last nite was very dead and the hours really crawled. A real let


down after your warm presence all day baby. And on top of that the noise that Buddy brought back with him from the Ox. Oh yes and the fact that my tax bill is 60 bucks didn't exactly buoy my spirits either.. What a time for some affection and comfort. It makes the difference, Gini, Between making a life a drudge or a swinging thing day after day.
     Good luck on your new projects. Remember my advice about car salesmen. They are a corny lot with a line a mile long.
     Well, sugar, it is now-4:50


 and I hae to shave and clean up for 5:30. I'll play a tune for you and be thinking of you. Take care of your little self and avoid drafts. I'll write again after I get your note of today.


P/S. Can't tell you how much I enjoyed your company yesterday. And I mean every minute of it.

*Blog Authors note
You see a reference to "the Ox" in this letter. This was my dad's word for his wife in the correspondence between he and my mother.

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