Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Washington DC, April 17, 1956

Mr. Norman (redacted)
C/o the Buddy Rocco 3
the Colonial
Hagerstown, Md
April 17, 1956
To my Darling Mr wonderful,
     Just hopped out of bed and as usual my first thought is you. I can still feel your arms around me and your lips on mine. You are wonderful my Angel and I now have another beautiful memory tucked away in my heart. The day passed so fast and with such a warm happy feeling. It's just plain wonderful being with you under any conditions- I know sunday was difficult, it was for me too Darling- but the memory of your sweet kisses and your beloved presence in my everyday surroundings is with me today. I can picture you standing in the kitchen door, sitting next to me at the table, holding my hand when I passed you something,- and many more little things-Yesterday- the little things that count are very dear to me, and too numerous to write.
     I'm afraid to write the things I feel for some reason Darling- I know you don't love  me- and I hope you believe me- I know I'm not worthy in any way of you- I only feel grateful in my heart that let me in some little way-give you affection, understanding and maybe a little happiness.


     I said, then, Dearest, since tis so since now at length my love awaits, since all, my life seemed meant for fails, sine this was written and needs must be- my heart rises up to bless-----Your name in pride and thankfulness I take back the hope you gave- I claim only a memory of the same, and this beside, if you will not blame I'll go on loving you just the same.
     You wont ever have to tell me again Norman- I'm living one day at a time and with both feet on the ground. The days that I will always cherish are ones we've spent together and the ones in the future-yet to be shared. If I land up on my pink cloud again-my fools paradise-pay no attention- I always come down to earth. Try to understand a little how very much I love you- my every thought & dream is you Darling. - I promise I'll keep them all to myself.
     I read your Wm. Shakespeare "This Above All: to Thine own Self be True"


this I believe- you will always be true to what you believe and-
It must follow as the night the day
thou canst not then be false to any man
You are a fine wonderful person my Darling and I admire, and respect you
     My darling, you are no farther away than the phone and ok, then I want to hear your sweet, calm voice- I need you my heart is aching- Hold me close andlet me cry all the hurt away- soon- my love- I will give you my all- I hope I can make you happy for a few hours, you know I'll try, don't you.To hold your hand in mine- to hold you- oh! my Darling- just remembering your touch yesterday and holding you close- your gentleness, the way you looked at me- my darling you must do something about those eyes- they bring my soul into mine.
     Enough of this- I hope I have a letter tomorrow too- I will be working again for a few hrs. tomorrow & Thurs- on a car


dealers survey. My instructions haven't arrived as yet but it will probably take me most of the afternoon to study them- I have to do a lengthy interview with the officials of 4 car dealers- that's all I know about it so far. You see-I'm never finished. I was supposed to work yesterday- but flatly refused.-My darling is more important to me than anything.
     I will be home every day until 10 A.M & back at 4 P.M- toorrow and thurs.- Bob is home until noon Thurs.-ha- I mean golfing - I will be home all day Fri. and Saturday- and longing and waiting patiently for our next meeting- oh- I forgot sweet- I have an appointment Sat Morn. at 9:30 at the hairdresser but will be home all afternoon. Who- knows- I'll probably call you long before you call me.- who knows maybe even right this minute- So there- I did- didn't I- and now to get this in the mail before I write a book again.- I'll be looking for your letter too darling- take care of yourself and think of me-

                                Gini         Purrrrrrr

*Blog Authors Note
It seems I got the order of this and the letter before it  mixed up, they are both dated the seventeenth of april so I did not know which was first.

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