Friday, November 11, 2011

Washington DC, April 12, 1956

Mr Norman (redacted)
c/o the Buddy Rocco 3
the Colonial
Hagerstown, Md.
Wednesday 10:A.M.
My Darling,
     Just a note with the same message.-Hold me close, kiss me gently and then kiss me with fire as only you can. Press your cheek to mine and then- to feel your strong body- Oh Norman you are truly wonderful. I just got out of the shower and needless to say- a great deal was missing- I miss you so. I almost turned around so many times on the way home Mon. every place with the signs said Frederick- the temptation was terrible. I had to close my eyes and hold on tight until I was past it.
     You will have a letter today my darling- I wonder if I will, and you will have this one tomorrow- Must get some letter paper today- forgive the bits and pieces I'm using now. 
     I've been wondering what you've been thinking about since Monday did I make you happy? I know the answer sweetness, but it's so nice to hear. I love you- I wish I could explain why-. but there are no words to explain love- the excitement is still there when I think of you Darling, the quiet moments were just so exciting- just lying in your arms, dreaming, the slightest movement of your cheek against mine or your hand in mine. Every moment was a dream come true. Even watching you tie your tie and comb


your hair- the way you walk- the way you laugh at me. I must seem very silly and unbalanced- to you Norman & it hurts me to think I might- (unreadable)  Please know whenever you need me- all you have to do is crook your little finger- why do I get this awful lump in my throat?- Why are the tears so ready to fall? I can't be crying when Elaine gets here so - I'd better stop for now-----
Thursday 1 PM-

Hi my angel, 
     This is a most wonderful day- there is only one thing missing- your sweet, wonderful presence I guess I want egg in my beer- I've heard your sweet voice and received your most wonderful letter. You have made my day a very happy one. Your words thrilled me more than I can say. I want to answer some of the things in your letter dearest-  as for feeling like a heel or criminal- I do too at times, but darling- remember I love you- nothing can change that- you have brought happiness to me because of that- you have given me a reason to live. My life is exciting and full of a good and wonderful feeling- I'm sorry in a way I can't feel this way about Bob, but there has never been anything there. Why is it there are so many mis-matched marriages in this world. The people who really would be good to each other and belong together never seem to make it? 


     These things seem to be out of our hands, but fate stepped in, we met, and what we feel was meant to be. We are giving each other a little happiness that I think we are both entitled to. You said- Monday- " No matter what you do in life someone gets hurt". Maybe- no-one will be hurt darling- and maybe some time in the future things will straighten out for both of us. I can dream can't I! I hope some day we will be together and we will owe no-one an explanation for anything. If it never happens Norman- no-one can ever take these precious memories from us. I'll always love you and carry your affection (you call it like) for me in my heart. What we have experienced together is too beautiful for anything to mar. The hurts that people have handed out to us will be paid back in the end- the feeling I have for you is yours and yours alone as long as you can put up with me.
     I can hardly wait til Sunday- just to see your sweet face again- and kiss your tender lips- hold you close-every second we are together will add more wonderful memories. it may become difficult to just walk out Sunday morning dearest one- If you could come here for me & have breakfast- then we could drive out to see the cherry blossoms and stop to see


Mrs. W. - Things would work out much smoother- Then we could come back for dinner before Bob returns from golf no questions would be asked. He is expecting you to drop in for a week-end and it would be quite natural. Please believe me darling - I'm not promoting any trouble- Just trying to avoid any un-called for comment. Believe me, and unexpected walk on Sunday morning would really be a clinker- in the works. Call me Sunday from Rockville, and in the meantime the groundwork will be laid- I'll tell you then what I think- but believe me sweet- the best way is to be as open as we possibly can without throwing any suspicions. If you want to call me before anytime Sat is O.k. I plan to be home all day-
     What news have you had about where you go from here? I'm praying you will be closer- I'd hate to lose you now. "you're my everything"
     As for the letters- don't you ever stop writing- They will not be found- I'm always on hand to receive the mail before Bob gets home. No-one else will bother it & Bob never gets in my drawers (joke). haha- They are stashed away so no one will ever find them.


     Are you getting too many letters from me? Can you still carry them maybe I'd  better cut down. I'll write one a week, sixteen lines long.. how does that sound? Say how about getting a larger picture from Buddy to leave with me this week-end- I have a special reason for wanting to do your portrait for you if you don't ask him- I will- there- an ultimatum- Do you hate me for being so forward? It's really important to me darling.
     I'm so glad you don't get angry with me for calling you at such unholy hrs.- but when the urge hits me there's no stopping it- I call when I'm sure the breaks are with me- Mother was busy in the basement when I called this morning- and darling after that cold hard note I received yesterday I just had to hear your voice. I was sure I had made you most unhappy- It's no wonder I almost hit those cops broadside. I was really wondering! - Silly girl- after today- I know better. 
    Well my life, I must write another letter to my insurance agent explaining the theft of my 20.00 at the bank Monday. Before I can run out and mail this- yes I was robbed- such nice people in the world.
     You are the nicest, sweetest, greatest, kindest, most lovable- I could go on all day- I love you
                                                               Gini                                     Purrrrrrrrr

*Blog Authors Note:
These next few from my mother to my dad are done in green ink on very thin onionskin letter paper, it may take a bit longer for me to get them up as they are very difficult to read.

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